A Day in the life.......

Thank you for calling XXXX my name is Debbie. How may i help you.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

If you like an orderly, in your place, things never change job....

Okay, so you are the type of person who likes order in your life. I can respect that. I too like things to be in there place. You know, when you go into the medicine cabinet at 2 am in the dark you want to make sure you are opening the asprin bottle and not prenatal vitamin kinda thing.
Oh, you say you have to have you manuals on the right side of the desk. Okay, I can even follow that. I have my drawers seperated out so i know which drawer to go to for just about anything.
Lists, right. those are those things such as grocery lists. Yep, i totally get where you are coming from with that too. Who has a budget? Well, i think most everyone right?! You say without that list, you forget toothpaste and come home with a zillion things you don't need such as that third bag of cheetoes....yep i sooooo totally understand.
Now, can i get you to step out of your Martha Stewart model home for a couple of minutes and spend a few minutes in a "day in the life of a employee in a call center" for just oh let's say an hour. Can you take a deep breath (i just did) and clothes your eyes. Okay now, you are in at a work desk in the middle of a floor about the size of a good size skating rink. You have a computer in front of you and you have your "to do" list all made out. You are going to get those 10 things done absolutely no problem right. Your 46 years old for god sakes and have been doing this for many years. How hard can it be......you got everything you need to get the job done right. You have your calendar open, nope no meetings for 3 hours. Nothing going on that would be considered emergency. Nothing that has you going "Houston, we have a problem".
Oh, wait back up. Let me explain that it is 7 am and no one is in yet. Oh, yeah you also haven't opened your email yet. "Click" you open your Outlook and "shit" comes to mind. That's right you have 85 plus emails. Aren't you glad you set up folders so those really important emails go to subfolders you can decide which ones to actually look at. Yeppers you start going through them and the next thing you know you have now spent 35 minutes of your morning getting an idea of the "fires" that have been brewing since you logged off yesterday. "oh joy".......Okay now that you have added them to your "to do" list you move on to why you came in 2 hours early.....let's listen to some calls. Oh wait, you pull up the program and it has nothing but busy signals going off on each recorded calls......no reps yet to do live calls. Okay, shuffle that to the back of the list. Now you send of an email to those important people asking for assistance and move on to your next item. Just as you start that (you are so in the zone) "hi Deb" and you damn near break your leg on the underside of your desk as a member of another department "sneeks" up behind you and talks to you. Now, you know they are being nice but come on people can you not see that the poor woman was so zoned that you almost gave her a heart attack. Have some compassion and just ignore the slave at the desk until she comes up for air....
So, you have now gotten to the 3rd item on your list....what have you gotten done again? Oh right...........that would be.....yep you have your computer up and running.
Okay, now let's work on those agent reviews. So, you go to the right drive, right folder and open an excel driven document and start to fill it in and it keeps giving you errors. What would you normally do? Okay, let's try help....you look it up and low and behold your doing what it tells you to do because your just that smart right?! The little woman on your right shoulder says why don't you put a ticket in and move on. Nope, your going to get this fixed. So, you send off a couple of emails to your "contacts" and think you will get a response. "hey moron, it's not even 8 am yet they aren't in the office" says the little women on your other shoulder.
Okay, move that down the list. Reset passwords, okay you can send a couple more emails. Now let's look over the agent reports and see what needs to be fixed, do attendance and check payroll. So, you go to pull up the agent reports and everything shows zero's. So, you get out of the application and log back in. Still zero's. You really thought it was going to change didn't you. Hahaha. Fate is laughing at your. Remember when you asked for this......the old adage that says becareful what you ask for is really coming back to bite you this morning.
Okay move on......it is now 830 in the morning and some other coaches are coming in and the boss is now here and starts asking questions and aim them to you etc. So far the whole orderly, list thing hasn't helped you accomplish much of anything. So now you spend the next 30 minutes or so going over previous days results with the boss. Now, you say that most days it's no big deal.....well do you know the definition of a proctologist? It can be a real joy at times (hahaha).
Okay, now the reps have arrived and for anyone with children you are really going to understand the next little bit so just hang in there with me while i go through it.....hey, can i can't get it to my computer.....can you put my pto in....can you fix my coffee....can you come here a minute....my phone isn't working...hey, Deb you gotta minute.....(In my head that little sarcastic women is about to open her mouth and have to pay .25) Nope, no minutes to spare, only two hands and what isn't your computer doing? What message did it give you? How much pto do you need and on what day. I need your information to fix coffee and can't get into what in your computer?
Hey Deb, boss wants you...okay everyone...as my neice likes to say, I am going to do all of this with a smile.....kinda.....breath you only have about 8 1/2 hours left to go and still haven't gotten anything you came in 2 hours early to do..........welcome to call centers hope you enjoy the service.

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