A Day in the life.......

Thank you for calling XXXX my name is Debbie. How may i help you.

Monday, March 15, 2010

The difference between a call center and high school is.....

Okay, so i am work today and the second group is coming in. I always try and make sure to walk around and say good morning to the different groups and ask about their weekends. I do this for two reasons. First, it gives me an idea of who is there and it allows me to get a feel for how everyone is mentally when they come in to work.
So, I am doing my rounds so to speak when one of the "mature" women calls me over to her desk. She procedes to tell me that someone is sitting in a desk that Minnie always sits in. I start to explain that we don't have assigned sitting when she cuts me off to say exactly that. She then starts whispering that Minnie and these other to girls are feuding over a "she said" vs "she said". As she started to go further into what i am sure she feels is relevant information, i excused myself and explained that unless the whole situation was hindering her ability to make calls the "feuding" would be addressed if and when it happened. "I was just giving you a heads up".
I am now standing at my desk watching the last few people come in right at the 1/2 hour when another "younger" female representatives comes up and states "If you don't keep that hag out of my business i am going to get her". Okay, now that sounded so high school that i just looked at the girl for a minute. "okay, hold on a minute. What person are you talking about and no you aren't going to get her".
Now the representative states to tell me how she just "knows" that this "hag" left this note on her desk with her name and another reps name on it detailing how they weren't doing their job and that if she wasn't such a bitch she would have said something to them face to face.
I made the girl sit down and write down what her complaint was and produce what ever documentation she had against this other rep. I explained the no fighting clause, and that confrontation isn't the way to resolve anything. I asked her to let me investigate the situation and if she wasn't comfortable with that, she was more than welcome totake it to human resources. I also explained that at no time will it be acceptable for her to "confront" anyone else in a less than professional manner.
Does this remind anyone of high school? "Teacher, she called me a bitch." or "Mr. Principle, i did not write that letter".
How is it that you can be in a work environment have them collecting a wage to do specific things but still spend all day dealing with popularity issues, or juvenile items? Some times, it seems the long i work in the call center industry, the more people revert back to younger behaviors.
Does it really matter whether or not suzie likes your shirt? Who cares if Jim's pants aren't covering his shoes all the way. What about Terry and Mark over their whispering together? Bet they are talking about Marcus..............Who cares.
I know that we have to spend 8 hours plus daily together in a similar environment to high school but does that mean that we have to act like we are still in high school? I am beginning to realize the only difference between a call center and high school is our physical age has increased but to some degree our mental age has stayed the same. Isn't that a sad commentary on our life skills..................

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