A Day in the life.......

Thank you for calling XXXX my name is Debbie. How may i help you.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Can I talk to you?

I have learned that when someone walks up to you and asks this question and you work in a call center, you really don't know what is going to happen. There is such a wide variety of individuals that work in them that it could mean anything from a scheduling issue to something serious.
I went into work the other day, and one of my reps came up and asked "can i talk to you?" Now I already had one person sitting at my desk and was in a coaching session with them and I am thinking to myself "ah no, I am busy" but what comes out of my mouth is "give me just a couple of minutes and I will come get you".
Now most people would take this to mean that the "come get them" piece means go back to your desk and I will come get you. Nope, not in this world. In this world it meant that this rep was going to stand there listening to my coaching session with someone else. They were making loud sighing noices and generally making it extremely difficult to ignore them. I quickly finished up the session with the other person i had at my desk and then addressed the "impatient" rep at my desk.
When asked how i could help them, I was astounded to learn that it was about another representative on the floor who was playing with a balloon in a loud fashion and was in this person's mind going to cause the whole group to lose out on balloons as rewards for meeting specific goals through out the day. Now.....in my head I am thinking "are you fricking kidding me?" What i really do is explain to the rep that no one is going to miss out on balloons and if she is being disturbed by someone playing with their balloon i will speak with the other representative. She was "pacified" and went back to her desk. Now, I am 46 years old and don't have any kids and love my neices and nephews beyond measure. But, seriously are you FRICKIN kidding me. You have someone who is over 21, and is more concerned about a balloon then the fact that she was rude to a fellow employee by standing over our coaching session and listening to what should be private.
Now i have had some serious discussions with my employees from their health issues, to abuse and it just brings home that these people have lives outside of the four walls that they spend 8 plus hours in 5 days a week.
But really, a balloon.......................

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