A Day in the life.......

Thank you for calling XXXX my name is Debbie. How may i help you.

Friday, March 19, 2010

The Friday Payday Flu

How many of you work in a job where your ability to meet goals and expectations depend on your team mate being at work?
In call centers, our lively hood depends on the people that are hired to handle the duties that need to be done. Whether it is making calls, doing interviews, listening to calls, or just helping to manage departments.
So what happens when the Friday flu or the Friday Payday flu hits? How do you manage to metrics and goals when people who have "sick time" come to you at noon and say "i'm sick and going to leave" wink wink nod nod. Now, by rules and regulations you can't make them stay because they are sick. And now that the weather is getting warmer here in the midwest, no one wants to stay at the job any later than they have to.
I wonder what rep B would say if when their power goes out and it's in the middle of the super bowl so now they can't watch the game and they call up Cilco to find out what's going on and get the message "We can't take your call right now because we have the Friday flu" wink wink nod nod.
But bet when that rep opens that check and it's missing 25 minutes of time, they will be at your office wanting to know "what up with my check" What up with your check is you don't work...........oh wait, you worked 10 hours in an 80 hour week between your sick time, call offs, and giving away your hours to others.
if you don't want to have a serious paying job, and want to take time off.....any employer will accomodate that wish. Now, go out and get another one that will keep you employeed for just those 10 hours..........when you find it let me know.
In this day and age of the "me" mentality, it's about what I gotta do cause i just got paid. Psst........it spends on Saturday, Sunday, Monday and every other day of the week too. You don't have to spend it all in one place. Guess what, if you have direct deposit most money institutions have this nifty thing called bill pay. You can have all your bills set up and paid electronically so you don't have to worry about those pesky things.
Rep A, i know you earned the sick time and you should be able to use it any way you want to. Yep, I get it. Your sick......but's rather funny that you seem to get this stomach ache every other friday. Maybe you should change what you have for lunch on those days? Maybe bring your lunch so you don't have to worry about getting bad take out food and leave all your team mates trying to handle their work and yours too.
Rep A and Rep B......guess you don't care that your Friday flu/Friday Payday flu could actually end up costing 50+ people their jobs because ya know..........got more important things to do than handle my business that i agreed to do when i excepted this job. Right.....

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