A Day in the life.......

Thank you for calling XXXX my name is Debbie. How may i help you.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

New Employees

Most of us have worked someplace and had new employees come on board. Right? Well imaging have 170 brand new employees who have never taken a call in a call center before. They just spend four mind numbing weeks in a class room with a trainer provided by a client so they miss out on some of your companies basics such as No eating on the floor, no cell phone usage while having your customer on hold for 37 minutes so you can talk to your "bro".
Now there is generally some kind of probationary period at most jobs right? In call centers this might be described as TTU or in some cases, it could be just a case of your graduated class now go forth and take a bloody call.
While in the 4 weeks of mind numbing class they might have learned how to maybe put in an order, but no one and i mean NO ONE bothered to talk to them or tell them how to TALK to a customer. I don't know about you but, I am pretty sure that a CEO of a Fortune 500 club company is not wanting to hear someone answer the phone with "what did you want today?" or better yet "I'm done talking to you, did you want to talk to my supervisor?". I don't know about you, but I am not getting on that phone. There isn't enough pepto or k-y to settle my stomach and take care of my behind when this customer is done with me. No child, you can dial 1540 and wait for the "supervisor" to handle that call.
I am sure that when you hired in, you probably explained the the interviewer all about your customer service skills and that you probably interviewed really well. Well "lunchbox" you can't handle 14 calls in a 9 hour day and give 8 of them to me as sup calls.....who is doing your job? The last time i checked, your title is Customer Care Consultant. Contrary to popular believe, that means "you" have to explain the bill to the customer and that means you have to be able to understand it. When you don't understand the difference between video and data "Houston, I think we have a problem". I really think this job might not be for you.
When your handle time is supposed to be around 540 seconds (approximately 9 minutes per call) When you keep a customer on hold for 30 minutes, it is going to be just a tad hard to reach that goal. When asked why this representative had their customer on hold for 30 minutes...."trying to let them calm down" Really.........are you friggin kidding me....."calm down" Again, I am not getting on that phone.
When you have a new program ramping up, your immediate management group spend more time on the phones than the reps. Part of that is to be expected as they are "new" and learning. However, I am not the quick easy answer. The representatives are supposed to attempt to answer the customer question by doing research. When a supervisor goes over to ask the rep how they can help,the rep says I can't find the account. Okay, the the conversation goes something like this:
"the account number didn't pull up the account" "no" What's the customer's name?" "I don't know" "Can you ask" "A, yeah, hello? You got a name?" The supervisor is deep breathing....."one moment" "Chris" "Can i have the headset please" says the supervisor.....and people say parenthood is tough.

Thursday, April 15, 2010


Is anyone a fan of the movie "The replacement players" with Keanu Reeves? There is a line that he has where he talks about being out on the football field in a game and he makes a mistake, then another, then another, and the harder you try, the more you feel yourself sinking....like quicksand.
Now you might wonder what quicksand or even the movie has to do with a call center but it really has to do with life. Some days you get up, fix coffee, and drop the cup. It breaks and spills coffee and broken coffee mug all over the floor. No big deal right?! you just clean it up. Then, you go outside to let the dog out and he breaks his leash.....now you find yourself chasing him around the block when you really don't have the time. You finally catch up with the little mutt and you get him in the house. You grab your keys, lunch bag, purse (or whatever) and head to the car. Put the key in and turn it and the battery is dead.....with me so far folks..
You get to work and start your day as always, running through email, answering messages etc. Life is getting better right....things are normal......no inkling that in approximately oh say................NOW and your life changes as you know it. You get pulled in the bosses office (conference room or where ever your management takes you when they want to give you life altering news).
You sit there and stare at the other people around you and can you feel your heart...dumdumdumdumdumdumdumdumdumdumdum...you try and think of all the possibilities for why you all are sitting in a room waiting....it's good news right...we all are getting promoted.....raises.....new desks....new computers....ok, good things running out.....we are all getting moved to another department, ramping up and getting more work......then the boss walks in and you stop thinking. Anyone still with me? Can you close your eyes and picture the room?
Now, you have gone through changes before right? You are the pro at this arent' you. Everyone is watching your face to see how they should react or to take their queue from you. You have just been told that your program is moving to another town about 45 mimutes away for a couple of weeks or maybe months. Now you are tasked to go out and find volunteers to move with you for an indefinate amount of time. You can't tell them how long it is going to last. What you can tell them is that it is temporary, they will be paid some "bonus" money for going and when it is over, they will be coming back here. So you spend 2 days addressing questions from them and alleviating their concerns about job security......you toe the party line and get your volunteers........Can you feel it coming yet folks?????
Ok....that was the sound of someone getting smacked in the back of the head yep.....you were right you are still sinking and there isn't a tree limb in sight.
Now we have talked about change being good and there are many sayings that i am sure we have all heard before about rolling with things and being open to change. It's good for you right? God only gives you what you can handle right?
So now you have to find your branch to grab on to again......what will you do? Move with the program and make the drive every day permanently? Move to the new town? See about staying where you are at and work in your 7 different program with hours you know don't work for you very long....
when you feel the quicksand getting up to your knees it's time to reach out to friends and family to do the whole pros vs cons thing if necessary. My sis taught me that one. Sometimes you need an outsider to help you look at everything to help you see the "forest for the trees" and see that the quicksand isn't as deep as you thought sitting in that room with everyone staring at you. It's really just another road you have to decide if you want to drive down. You still have options, and they are what you make of them.....good new highway or pot hole infested roads that break your car and you down till you just pull over and quit. Which road you driving....grab your branch and pull yourself out of "quicksand"

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Spock said "Captain, that is illogical"

Now, i don't claim to be the most logical person, I am a women after all and we all know that us women can change our minds rather quickly. What is logical to myself may not be logical to you. I am right handed and prefer certain things to be set up a specific way on my desk. Others, are left handed and likes things a different way.
Some people take pictures of every detail while they are on vacation so they have something to look back at and say "see this was my vacation". Me, my pictures are all in my head. I can see them any time i want all i have to do is just close my eyes and i can see that water fall on Route 1 in Massachusetts on a clear, cold day in December with the sun glinting off the ice covered water and the sparkles coming off of everything is breathtaking. Different strokes for different folks as my momma would say.

Women wear excruciatingly high heels and then when they get home complain about how their feet hurt. They squeeze themselves into clothes that on the best of days are at least 1 size too small and wonder why they have body parts screaming at them at the end of a busy day. Size 2 isn't everybodies idea of perfect and just being who you are and the shape you are is okay. I prefer to wear clothes that "fit" there is enough room so that when i eat lunch, i have room for my stomach to expand without causing pain around my middle because i am now being cut in half because i ate a mini size can of beefaroni and some peaches. When it comes to appearance women do the most illogical things to look good to others and to feel good about themselves.
We live in a time when everyone is trying to be eco-friendly but in most businesses we print out more documents than we need. We have vending machines that sell drinks in plastic but don't recycle. We pack 100's of people in a building and wonder why they get sick and stay sick because we don't clean the air filters, freeze them in the summer time because the coolers are set to 60 degrees and they need blankets to sit at a computer and take calls all day. Then in the winter time, we turn the heat on to 75 but don't regulate it properly through out the buildings to ensure it is evenly distributed.

We have cell phones that do so many different things that we text the person sitting next to us to say hi or send an AIM to ask a question rather then get up from the desk and take the 5 steps to the next desk to ask a question. What happened to our ability to carry on a conversation with someone that doesn't involve a slur, epitath or a put down of someone else. What happened to the ability to walk up to some one with a smile and say hi how are you and not get a "what do you want" response. We are raising a generation that has forgotten the english language and how to use it in the proper manner. But we wonder what is happening to our society as a whole.

When dealing with businesses, it is usually all about the bottom dollar and again, i may not be the most logical individual but i like most americans understand that if something is going to cost money and i can do something else that will cost less money "logic" would say to look at it and see if in the long run the money i save is going to be better for my business. Now i also understand that money alone shouldn't dictate the decisions that are made. I like to think of it as the want vs need theory. Businesses like call centers are really good at it. People have needs like food, water, clothing etc. They also have wants like the really good clothes, the good food like steaks and lobster and the better TV's etc. Businesses are no different. They want to make a profit, get their name out in their chosen field of expertise and to retain employees who help them reach these and may other goals. They want to do it as cheaply as possible.
Call Centers are constantly changing and evolving. It is just the nature of the business. As third party vendors, they have to provide the best possible services to their clients and they are at the mercy of their clients. Some clients are back seat drivers and others are content for the most part to sit back and let the experts do their jobs. And sometimes the clients pull programs with no notice and employees can be out of jobs in the time it takes to have a short phone call. There is nothing logical about call center business that i have been able to find. It's not about wearing the right shirt, or saying the right thing at the right moment. Things change in call centers like the weather in Seattle Washington, blink and it changes from sunny and warm to cold and rainy. One minute the answer to why something is happening is because monitarily it makes sense and then the next time you ask the same question it is because of the moral of the employees and we want to keep them happy. One month you are letting attrition take it's course and the next, your telling employee's that while you were going to let them go, you are now going to give them another chance. Mr. Spock would not like this Enterprise as there is no logic to be found in call centers.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

If you like an orderly, in your place, things never change job....

Okay, so you are the type of person who likes order in your life. I can respect that. I too like things to be in there place. You know, when you go into the medicine cabinet at 2 am in the dark you want to make sure you are opening the asprin bottle and not prenatal vitamin kinda thing.
Oh, you say you have to have you manuals on the right side of the desk. Okay, I can even follow that. I have my drawers seperated out so i know which drawer to go to for just about anything.
Lists, right. those are those things such as grocery lists. Yep, i totally get where you are coming from with that too. Who has a budget? Well, i think most everyone right?! You say without that list, you forget toothpaste and come home with a zillion things you don't need such as that third bag of cheetoes....yep i sooooo totally understand.
Now, can i get you to step out of your Martha Stewart model home for a couple of minutes and spend a few minutes in a "day in the life of a employee in a call center" for just oh let's say an hour. Can you take a deep breath (i just did) and clothes your eyes. Okay now, you are in at a work desk in the middle of a floor about the size of a good size skating rink. You have a computer in front of you and you have your "to do" list all made out. You are going to get those 10 things done absolutely no problem right. Your 46 years old for god sakes and have been doing this for many years. How hard can it be......you got everything you need to get the job done right. You have your calendar open, nope no meetings for 3 hours. Nothing going on that would be considered emergency. Nothing that has you going "Houston, we have a problem".
Oh, wait back up. Let me explain that it is 7 am and no one is in yet. Oh, yeah you also haven't opened your email yet. "Click" you open your Outlook and "shit" comes to mind. That's right you have 85 plus emails. Aren't you glad you set up folders so those really important emails go to subfolders you can decide which ones to actually look at. Yeppers you start going through them and the next thing you know you have now spent 35 minutes of your morning getting an idea of the "fires" that have been brewing since you logged off yesterday. "oh joy".......Okay now that you have added them to your "to do" list you move on to why you came in 2 hours early.....let's listen to some calls. Oh wait, you pull up the program and it has nothing but busy signals going off on each recorded calls......no reps yet to do live calls. Okay, shuffle that to the back of the list. Now you send of an email to those important people asking for assistance and move on to your next item. Just as you start that (you are so in the zone) "hi Deb" and you damn near break your leg on the underside of your desk as a member of another department "sneeks" up behind you and talks to you. Now, you know they are being nice but come on people can you not see that the poor woman was so zoned that you almost gave her a heart attack. Have some compassion and just ignore the slave at the desk until she comes up for air....
So, you have now gotten to the 3rd item on your list....what have you gotten done again? Oh right...........that would be.....yep you have your computer up and running.
Okay, now let's work on those agent reviews. So, you go to the right drive, right folder and open an excel driven document and start to fill it in and it keeps giving you errors. What would you normally do? Okay, let's try help....you look it up and low and behold your doing what it tells you to do because your just that smart right?! The little woman on your right shoulder says why don't you put a ticket in and move on. Nope, your going to get this fixed. So, you send off a couple of emails to your "contacts" and think you will get a response. "hey moron, it's not even 8 am yet they aren't in the office" says the little women on your other shoulder.
Okay, move that down the list. Reset passwords, okay you can send a couple more emails. Now let's look over the agent reports and see what needs to be fixed, do attendance and check payroll. So, you go to pull up the agent reports and everything shows zero's. So, you get out of the application and log back in. Still zero's. You really thought it was going to change didn't you. Hahaha. Fate is laughing at your. Remember when you asked for this......the old adage that says becareful what you ask for is really coming back to bite you this morning.
Okay move on......it is now 830 in the morning and some other coaches are coming in and the boss is now here and starts asking questions and aim them to you etc. So far the whole orderly, list thing hasn't helped you accomplish much of anything. So now you spend the next 30 minutes or so going over previous days results with the boss. Now, you say that most days it's no big deal.....well do you know the definition of a proctologist? It can be a real joy at times (hahaha).
Okay, now the reps have arrived and for anyone with children you are really going to understand the next little bit so just hang in there with me while i go through it.....hey, can i can't get it to my computer.....can you put my pto in....can you fix my coffee....can you come here a minute....my phone isn't working...hey, Deb you gotta minute.....(In my head that little sarcastic women is about to open her mouth and have to pay .25) Nope, no minutes to spare, only two hands and what isn't your computer doing? What message did it give you? How much pto do you need and on what day. I need your information to fix coffee and can't get into what in your computer?
Hey Deb, boss wants you...okay everyone...as my neice likes to say, I am going to do all of this with a smile.....kinda.....breath you only have about 8 1/2 hours left to go and still haven't gotten anything you came in 2 hours early to do..........welcome to call centers hope you enjoy the service.

Friday, March 19, 2010

The Friday Payday Flu

How many of you work in a job where your ability to meet goals and expectations depend on your team mate being at work?
In call centers, our lively hood depends on the people that are hired to handle the duties that need to be done. Whether it is making calls, doing interviews, listening to calls, or just helping to manage departments.
So what happens when the Friday flu or the Friday Payday flu hits? How do you manage to metrics and goals when people who have "sick time" come to you at noon and say "i'm sick and going to leave" wink wink nod nod. Now, by rules and regulations you can't make them stay because they are sick. And now that the weather is getting warmer here in the midwest, no one wants to stay at the job any later than they have to.
I wonder what rep B would say if when their power goes out and it's in the middle of the super bowl so now they can't watch the game and they call up Cilco to find out what's going on and get the message "We can't take your call right now because we have the Friday flu" wink wink nod nod.
But bet when that rep opens that check and it's missing 25 minutes of time, they will be at your office wanting to know "what up with my check" What up with your check is you don't work...........oh wait, you worked 10 hours in an 80 hour week between your sick time, call offs, and giving away your hours to others.
if you don't want to have a serious paying job, and want to take time off.....any employer will accomodate that wish. Now, go out and get another one that will keep you employeed for just those 10 hours..........when you find it let me know.
In this day and age of the "me" mentality, it's about what I gotta do cause i just got paid. Psst........it spends on Saturday, Sunday, Monday and every other day of the week too. You don't have to spend it all in one place. Guess what, if you have direct deposit most money institutions have this nifty thing called bill pay. You can have all your bills set up and paid electronically so you don't have to worry about those pesky things.
Rep A, i know you earned the sick time and you should be able to use it any way you want to. Yep, I get it. Your sick......but's rather funny that you seem to get this stomach ache every other friday. Maybe you should change what you have for lunch on those days? Maybe bring your lunch so you don't have to worry about getting bad take out food and leave all your team mates trying to handle their work and yours too.
Rep A and Rep B......guess you don't care that your Friday flu/Friday Payday flu could actually end up costing 50+ people their jobs because ya know..........got more important things to do than handle my business that i agreed to do when i excepted this job. Right.....

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

There's a dress code here?

Have you ever worked where you had to wear a uniform? How about a specific color on certain days? Most call centers have some kind of business casual dress. The reason for this is varied by organization and can change as often as the upper management changes.
Normally, the organization is good about giving some kind of notice when the dress code is going to change or if there is a specific time when it needs to be adjusted.
About 2 to 3 years ago, the center I work in went to what is referred to as "casual" dress.
Now this doesn't mean that there aren't things you can wear to work. Yes, there are still rules and regulations that have to follow just as anyone who works in an H.R. department.
Since you are going to a business establishment for the next 8 plus hours, your close should fit you. This means that they should not be so tight that you have to have your belt undone, the top 3 buttons undone and your shirt hanging over the top in the vain attempt to hide the before mentioned facts. It also doesn't mean that you can wear the same spaghetti string top that refuses to stay up and cover what god gave you. While some may like the view, there are others that don't. Again, did i mention this is a business and not the nearest club.
What about lounge wear? Well, when my P.J's are the same pattern and the same color....the answer is "ah NO". As a business, I have purchased ergonomic chairs and set up stations for you to work at comfortably. This isn't your coach and that computer isn't your T.V. We want you to be comfortable however, we pay you to do a job not lay back in your chair and go to sleep.
Tops that you used to be able to fit in 3 sizes ago aren't attractive and should be given to your little sister or even the Goodwill. There are numerous people out there who would gladly take them off your hands. Speaking of Goodwill, if you know you are going to have to dress up for a specific day and don't have any clothes appropriate, they have plenty of options dirt cheap.
I know that life is tough and I know what it is to struggle to make ends meet from pay check to pay check. However, when you have known for 2 weeks that there is a change in the dress code for two specific days out of your life and make no effort to get the necessary clothes needed i have little sympathy for your situation. Why do you wait till the night before and then go to your boss and say i don't have any clothes appropriate for tomorrow i am going to have to call in? That $5.00 you spent on your pack of cigerettes would have gotten you one pair of pants from the Salvation Army or Goodwill. You would be amazed at what they have there...there is one just 10 minutes from my house that gets new stuff from some of the major stores each week and you can get never worn, price tag still on it for the cheap.
Hospitals, Walmart, restaurants and most of every other organization i know has some type of dress code...........why would you think a call center would be any different?
Last question for you all....would you wear a pair of jeans out in public with so much of the ass end out of them you knew enough to put a pair of spandex shorts on under them? Ok, every one follow along no and say N and not in this life time, O for outside of this premise is exceptable only.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

It's only a half hour difference

For those of us who have worked in call centers for more than 5 minutes realize that your life can change in a matter of someone saying "meeting in conference room" and you see your whole department log off. These meetings can be anything from a change in hours, change in how you perform the daily job, or the department is closing and you will be moving to another department effective tomorrow.
Working call centers isn't for everyone and if you are the type of individual who has to have order and discipline in our life.........you probably ought to find something else.
Scheduling is always a challenge because usually you are not the actual client and you don't always have historical data to determine what is needed on a daily basis. This means you have to make a "educated" guess on what you need to meet the requirements of the department you are running. Now...let's throw in 50 or more reps with lives, families, dogs, children.......you get the picture. Each of us want the ideal position. I get up at "when i want to" get to work "when i feel like it" and work for all of 30 seconds....leave and collect a check for a full days pay and 80 hours. But instead we have someone saying you have to be here AND on the phones by a specific time. Then by god, you have to actually take calls without logging off 5000 times to talk to someone 3 pods over, no smoke breaks for 2 1/2 hours, what are you on drugs......You mean i can't use the bathroom???
We have a program that has EXACTLY two shifts. One is 10:00 to 6:30 and the other is 10:30 to 7:00 pm. Now, most call centers only make allowances for school schedules because we want our employees to continue their educations. On this program our most important days are Thursday, Friday and Saturday, and everyone was told that Saturdays are mandatory. Now in my world mandatory means EVERYONE has to work it. Can anyone out there give me a different definition where it is okay to say i want that day to be my scheduled day off?
Now, what about "I can't work till 7 pm?" Well, Ms. Rep, when you came in and filled out an application did they tell what you would be doing? Why yes, they did. Okay then how about the hours you had to be available? Yes, the nice lady in HR told me that i had to be available from 1000 till 7 each day except Sunday. Okay, I don't know what the problem is then. Can you help me understand why you could be okay then but not okay now? What has changed in your life that fits our exceptions?? Do you have a school schedule. For the uneducated in call centers, nothing changed other than it is getting to be warmer outside and this rep doesn't want to be cooped up inside that extra 1/2 or their girlfriend who works in another department gets off at that time or a variety of other reasons that you can't make an exception. Then you also get into the "I have seniority over so and so why do they get to get off earlier than me?" Again, I am thinking............come on it's a 30 minute difference. But what comes out of my mouth is: "when you filled out a preference sheet, what did you tell scheduling was more important to you, your start time or your day off". Usually they will say "day off" Well, in the unfair world of call centers, you usually get only 1//2 of what you want if you get that. So, you tell the rep to fill out another form, turn it in and it will be at least two weeks before it MIGHT change.
Now before all you jump on me over the whole "30 minute" thing. Yes, i don't have kids, or a husband, wife or any significant other begging for my time. The only commitment i have is to my dog who is in his crate turning yellow every night why his mom is at the job for 12 plus hours. So, no i can't say "i understand" the child care issues or the husband giving you fits over not being home to take care of your partner duties. It's probably why i don't have any of that...........NOT REALLY. Just ask anyone who really nows me. LOL. However, i can't believe that everyone does everything they can or reach out to all possible avenues for help either.
What happended to networking with family, friends, co-workers or even getting with managment and saying "i want my job and i need help with my responsibilities"
Most people would agree that we spend 30 minutes driving home, chatting on the cell phones, on the computer in facebook...........is that 30 minutes really going to make a difference in the 'BIG" picture of your life????